Looking to Anna

Looking to Anna

Looking to Anna: Prayer, Fasting, and Worship There is a little story in Luke just after we see the shepherds worshiping the newborn king. Jesus is presented in the Temple to the Lord. There, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph meet Simeon and Anna. Simeon was a righteousness man...
Responding to Our God Who Loves Us

Responding to Our God Who Loves Us

Responding to Our God Who Loves Us by Jennifer Power, Director of Children’s Ministry “If the only prayer you say throughout your life is ‘Thank You,’ then that will be enough.” -Elie Wiesel Sometimes I get a little down this time of year. Don’t get...
Caleb: Following God Wholeheartedly

Caleb: Following God Wholeheartedly

Caleb: Following God Wholeheartedly Last week, we talked about some things that keep us from a life with God. This week, we are going to narrow in on one roadblock most of us can relate to. Fear. The Israelites, when they came near to Canaan (the promised land), were...
What Gets in the Way of a Life with God?

What Gets in the Way of a Life with God?

What Gets in the Way of a Life with God? I asked the 1st-4th grade class this question this past Wednesday night, and we discussed both what a life with God looks like and what threatens to get in the way. When Moses came to Pharaoh with a message from God to let His...
Moses: Are We Listening?

Moses: Are We Listening?

Moses: Are We Listening? Moses heard the voice of God after he learned solitude and silence in Midian as a shepherd. He escaped Pharaoh after killing a man who was abusing his people and entered the desert for 40 years. In the silence and solitude of his life as a...
Joseph: God Calls & God Transforms

Joseph: God Calls & God Transforms

Joseph: God Calls and God Transforms Submitted by Jennifer Power God clearly called Joseph. God knew where Joseph was headed even in the midst of the dysfunction of his family dynamics, his arrogance, and his lack of good sense. God gave Joseph dreams early in his...