What Our Kids Need To Know In A Broken World

What Our Kids Need To Know In A Broken World

What Our Kids Need To Know In A Broken World Submitted by Jennifer Power Sometimes the words seem empty. We struggle to help our children understand. We might even recognize their emptiness, but thinking this is what we are meant to say, we say it. Maybe we believe it...
Setting Boundaries

Setting Boundaries

Setting boundaries with people is sometimes one of the most difficult, but also one of the healthiest, things we can do. Some people are better at doing this than others. After recent conversations I have had about this, I think it’s an important enough issue to which...
How To Be An Emotionally Healthy Parent

How To Be An Emotionally Healthy Parent

I came across this blog post today by Craig Jutila as I was doing some research on some Saturday night curriculum for SHiNe Time. It is about how to be an emotionally healthy parent, which is relevant to us all as parents and relevant to our church-wide focus on...
Get to Know the Gearigs

Get to Know the Gearigs

On Sunday, July 10th we ordained and installed Mark Gearig as our Associate Pastor Outreach & Mission here at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. He was already in the pulpit this past weekend bringing us a message on Entering into the Suffering of Others, capping...
“Loving Your Spouse by Lightening their Load”

“Loving Your Spouse by Lightening their Load”

“My problem with running out of gas took on a whole new meaning once I became a dad fourteen years ago. I soon discovered and would learn over and over again that parenting is a gas guzzler. Surviving the transition from married couple to married with kids...