Raising Kids who have a Kind Heart and Love the Lord

Raising Kids who have a Kind Heart and Love the Lord

Raising Kids who have a Kind Heart and Love the Lord Submitted by Jennifer Power I am intentionally omitting “how to” on the title of this post because I could never claim to have a formula for any aspect of life. Neat boxes to check off sure would make life more...
Beyond the Shore

Beyond the Shore

Beyond the Shore Submitted by Andrea Gerhard “If we only do what we’re familiar with, we might miss what we’ve been made for.” – Bob Goff This past weekend, we began the new worship series “GO: Missionary Journeys” learning...
What Are We Waiting For?

What Are We Waiting For?

What Are We Waiting For?” Submitted by Jarvis Howe, M.A. This past weekend, my fiancée Letizia and I attended the wedding of two friends of ours. During the ceremony, I was struck by the realization that in 2 weeks it would be Letizia and I standing at the altar...
Raising Kids who have a Kind Heart and Love the Lord

VBS: Was It Worth It?

VBS: Was It Worth It? Submitted by Jennifer Power I had started to get the feeling Vacation Bible School was becoming an outdated church practice. Other churches were doing away with VBS programs and replacing them with various alternatives (outreaches, family...
What Are We Waiting For?

Thoughts On Sharing Faith

Thoughts On Sharing Faith Submitted by Jarvis Howe I never cease to be amazed at the way God often puts me in positions to have meaningful conversations with others about something that has been on my heart recently. Last week I helped with vacation bible school by...


The adventure continued today at EVEREST VBS at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church! Today we met our lovable friend Cliff and he shared with us 2 Corinthians 1:4. We learned that God has the power to COMFORT, so we just need to HOLD ON to Him and allow Him to provide...