by Andrea Gerhard | Jun 4, 2015 | Blog
A Warrior for… Submitted by Andrea Gerhard Have you had one of those days or one of those weeks where you just feel a certain nudging, where you feel a certain stirring and call to action? This would be one of those times for me. It’s interesting sometimes...
by Andrea Gerhard | Jun 3, 2015 | Blog
What’s the BEST that Could Happen? Submitted by Jennifer Power Looking out my window in prayer this morning, I said to the Lord, “lead me where You would have me go,” and in my mind I heard the words of Jesus to Peter saying he will be led where he would not...
by Pastor Doug Bender | Jun 2, 2015 | Blog
No Going Back Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” -Luke 9:62 Some of you (especially youth of the congregation) might have started to catch on that I’m a bit of a geek, all things...
by Andrea Gerhard | Jun 1, 2015 | Blog
Love and Respect – Part 3 Submitted by Jarvis Howe, M.A. If you have been tracking with me so far, last week I wrote about how husbands can show love to their wives. Men and women both understand the importance of this, even if men sometimes (often) fail to give...
by Andrea Gerhard | May 29, 2015 | Blog
Psalm 91 (NIV) 1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” 3 Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly...
by Andrea Gerhard | May 28, 2015 | Bible Study, Blog
Understanding Angels Submitted by Andrea Gerhard In our faith walk, we often key in on our relationship with God and knowing Jesus, but we do not always take time to ponder the other realms of God’s kingdom and His plan. One of the areas we do not often discuss...