The Rooted Experience
A Catalyst for Life Change
Are you ready for a fresh encounter with Jesus, others, and His purpose for your life? It’s time for you to consider The Rooted Experience – an interactive 10-week journey in which individuals gather in groups to talk about what God has been revealing to each member through weekly readings, journal entries, and prayer. Participants will also learn from one another as the Holy Spirit works to comfort, encourage, and guide each group member. This is not just another small group, Bible study, or class. This experience is a step in the spiritual formation pathway and is a gateway to deepening your discipleship journey, growing you as a Christian, a church member, and as a leader in a grace-filled life and relationship with Jesus and others.

The Rooted Experience is beyond any program, seminar, or Bible study you have ever done before. It is designed to help you connect with Jesus, His people, and your purpose as you pursue your faith journey. Readings, journal entries, and daily prayer will evoke deeper discussions. You will take part in a prayer experience and a serve experience specific to your group. You’ll discover your spiritual gifts and tackle some tough questions. In a world that can be fragmented, isolated, and empty, The Rooted Experience allows you to experience community, generosity, and intimacy with God.
There are multiple meeting times available for you during The Rooted Experience.
Consider one of these for the current session:
All groups will meet at SPL during this session
Wednesday 6:30-8:00 PM
Thursday 6:00-7:30 PM
All participants will engage in The Rooted Experience Kickoff as their session begins (you’ll be introduced to what’s ahead, and then you’ll have some initial time with your individual group to get to know each other). In addition to weekly group time, there is also be a prayer and serve opportunity that you will coordinate with your group that will meet outside of regular class time, and a closing celebration with all participants at the end of the session.
All Groups will begin during the same week (this is the week of April 7 for the Spring session) and will continue weekly for 10 weeks.
If you anticipate you might miss three or more times during this session, you may consider waiting until the next session is offered (fall) in order to gain the fullest benefit from The Rooted Experience.