
Seeking Counseling?

We recognize that in our world and in our community, the last few years (and even recent weeks) have brought a lot of disruption, uncertainty, division, and heaviness into our lives and families. Sometimes, that can be too much to bear in our families, relationships,...
Transformed In My Mental Health

Transformed In My Mental Health

For those of you who have been following along with our TRANSFORMED series, Pastor Doug’s sermon yesterday kicked off the week dedicated to mental health. Given my profession as a counselor, this topic is very interesting to me and I think it is to a lot of people —...
Is Marriage Counseling Right for Us?

Is Marriage Counseling Right for Us?

I have recently had a couple of heartbreaking conversations with two older couples, one of whom has been married for 29 years. In fact, I only spoke with the husband and not the wife of the 29 year marriage. He says that his wife recently initiated divorce proceedings...
Is Marriage Counseling Right for Us?

Depression and the Church

Depression and the Church Submitted by Jarvis Howe According to recent numbers from the National Alliance on Mental Illness, approximately 6.7% of American adults, about 14.8 million, people have clinical depression. That means that on Sunday, there is a good chance...