The Church and Mental Health

The Church and Mental Health

This past Saturday, I went to a workshop put on by the LCMS called “The Church and Mental Health.” There were a number of speakers who talked about a variety of issues and I thought I would take a minute to go over some of what was discussed. Of the many...
Jesus Loves You, Do You Know?

Jesus Loves You, Do You Know?

Jesus Loves You, Do You Know? Submitted by Jennifer Power Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong; they are weak, but He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so. I am...
Looking for the Color Pink

Looking for the Color Pink

Looking for the Color Pink Submitted by Jennifer Power On the way to preschool yesterday, my four year old and I were looking at the fall colors. We talked about the seasons and how in fall the leaves turn colors before everything turns brown in winter. My daughter...
Thoughts On Sharing Faith

Thoughts On Sharing Faith

Thoughts On Sharing Faith Submitted by Jarvis Howe I never cease to be amazed at the way God often puts me in positions to have meaningful conversations with others about something that has been on my heart recently. Last week I helped with vacation bible school by...
Vacation Bible School, Part One: Please Pray

Vacation Bible School, Part One: Please Pray

Vacation Bible School, Part One: Please Pray Submitted by Jennifer Power I am taking a break from my normal style of blogging to bring you a three part series about Vacation Bible School 2015. Today, I am asking you to take time out of your day to pray for our VBS,...