If you have children, you know the drill – you know what time everyone needs to be up, how long it takes to get dressed, everyone fed, and then out the door to any of the places you need to go…daycare, preschool, school, work, meetings, errands, etc. Many...
Seek Your Perfecter, Not Perfection

Seek Your Perfecter, Not Perfection

Seek Your Perfecter, Not Perfection Motivation to be TRANSFORMED in Physical Health – Contributed by Melanie Brown In Zechariah 4:10 we read, “Do not despise these small beginnings for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” Zechariah was talking to the Jews...
Honor God with Your Body

Honor God with Your Body

HONOR GOD WITH YOUR BODY Lucy was a widow and lived across the street from a family whom she had come to love as her own. One day Lucy came over and gave the youngest member of the family a bike. The little boy loved this bike and it warmed her heart to see him jump...