Celebrate Christmas with St. Paul’s
You’re all invited! There are many ways to celebrate and serve this December at St. Paul’s and in Decatur. We welcome you to be a part of it – bring your family, friends, neighbors (or discover some new connections). Consider regular and seasonal worship opportunities and special events that build community.
Advent Worship Wednesdays
Wednesday, December 4th, 11th, & 18th
Come and See at 12:00 PM & 6:30 PM
(food is served at 12pm &5:30pm)
What's it all about?
Learn how to prepare yourself and prepare your whole family for the celebration of Christmas through the Advent season.
Come on Wednesdays at 12:00 PM for a light lunch and worship in the Dining Room over your lunch hour, or come at 5:30 PM for dinner together (Dining Room) and Worship at 6:30 PM (Worship Center). Give yourself a break and come reconnect as family – catch your breath in this season.
Sunday, December 8th
Christmas Celebration Big Enough for the Whole Family
9:15 AM – 11:30 AM
What's it all about?
Get ready for a Christmas celebration big enough for the whole family! You’re invited to Jingle Jam 2024 with SPL Kids!
Come join us on Sunday, December 8th at St. Paul’s in Decatur for this free event – kicking off at 9:15 AM, you can enjoy family fun with a hot cocoa bar, donut decorating, inflatables, family photo op, games, and card making. Then at 10:30 AM, you can be a part of a family-friendly Jingle Jam service in the Worship Center with live music, an engaging Christmas message, and more.
Everyone is welcome – invite your family, friends, and neighbors and come be part of the family as we celebrate what Christmas is all about.
Questions? Contact Erica Davies, Director of Children’s Ministry, at edavies@spldecatur.org or connect with us at SPLDECATUR.ORG or by calling 217-423-6955.
Saturday, December 21st
Sing along at 6:00 PM
What's it all about?
We just can’t wait for Christmas! And what’s better than getting together to hear the Christmas story and gathering round to sing timeless carols with family and friends….except maybe if there’s also cookies and cocoa to be had! Come yourself, bring the family, or come with friends, and let’s get in the spirit all together this Christmas! Join us on Saturday, December 21st at 6:00 PM in the Worship Center.
Worship Christmas Eve
Tuesday, December 24th
Come & See at 4:00 PM & 7:00 PM
Come & See CHRISTmas
Come and enjoy the evening candlelight experience, join us for Christmas Eve worship at 4:00 PM & 7:00 PM. This service is an opportunity to connect with the joy, hope, and peace that Christ brings to our lives. Come and celebrate with us as we gather to worship, share in His love, and rediscover the heart of the season. Let this Christmas be more than a tradition; Come & See what Christmas truly means.
Additionally, Nursery care is available for small children if needed. Rocking chairs are available in the back of the Worship Center for parents with small children. Ushers are also available to assist at any time. Assisted parking (& door) is available at the Southwest and Northeast entrances, and senior parking is available in the East parking lot area.
And we love to know you are with us! We encourage all members and guests to complete a Connect Card when attending worship at St. Paul’s, or a First Time Guest card for those joining us for the first time (complete it and return it to the Welcome Center for a special gift).
Monday, December 25th
Come &See at 10:00 AM
Traditional Worship with Communion
Come & See
Christmas Day worship service is available at 10:00 AM on December 25th. This service is in a traditional format, with communion served during worship, and organ/piano led traditional Christmas hymns.
Ushers are available to assist at any time. Assisted parking (& door) is available at the Southwest and Northeast entrances, and senior parking is available in the East parking lot area. We do recommend arriving prior to the start of worship to help you find the best seating for you and your family.
We love to know you are with us! We encourage all members and guests to complete a Connect Card when attending worship at St. Paul’s, or a First Time Guest card for those joining us for the first time (complete it and return it to the Welcome Center for a special gift).
LOVE217 – serve our community
There are so many ways you can serve an make an impact on others in our community during this Christmas season. Consider how you can use your gifts to bless others.
Sidewalk Prophets Great Big Family Christmas 12/18 (The Lincoln Theatre)
Christmas Care & Share – Distribution Week 12/16-12/20
Salvation Army Red Kettle Bell Ringers – Throughout December
Are you ready to serve with us? Need direction? Contact the church office
Saturday Contemporary Worship at 6:00 PM (Worship Center)
Sunday Traditional Worship at 8:00 AM (Worship Center)
Sunday Contemporary Worship at 10:30 AM (Worship Center)
Sunday Education Time at 9:15 AM (Kids, Youth, Adults Classes)
Stay connected with us following Christmas, and bring in the new year, making life change with our family of faith. Our regular worship times return December 29th. Then engage with F3: Family-Faith-Formation Winter Session 2025 with classes for all ages and stages on Wednesday evenings (6 weeks) beginning January 22nd. Offerings for Kids, Youth, and Adults. Watch for registration at SPLDECATUR.ORG/FORMS.