A new year brings 365 new opportunities for you to Love God, Build the Home, and Change the World. With this fresh start in front of you, why not take hold of every chance you have to grow your relationships, your family, and how you connect with your community in healthy ways?
If you’re ready to get started, get connected with the Winter Session of F3: Family-Faith-Formation at SPL. Classes meet weekly on Wednesdays at 6:30pm, with dinner available at 5:30pm in the Dining Room. Take a look at all of the ways you can get equipped through these great offerings:
— Led by Pastor Eric Trickey
The family is the vehicle for generational revival. Loving Our Kids On Purpose by Danny Silk is a method of parenting that reveals the Father’s heart and will help to show you how to best represent Him to your children. With a blend of story-telling, teaching, Scriptures, and Questions, Danny brings a fresh perspective on the role of parenting. You can reduce fear by eliminating the tool of punishment and strengthening the hearts of your children to fulfill their destiny. Learn how to build your home and strengthen your family as you gain a connected approach to parenting. There is a workbook connected to this study ($11.00). This class is led by Pastor Eric Trickey, and it will meet 6:30-7:30pm.
— Led by Dave Sack
For many Jewish Christians of the first century, living in the light of the Gospel was challenging. Having accepted Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah, they were regarded by still-skeptical family, friends, and neighbors as dangerous, misguided and even disloyal to all that God had said earlier on. Come join us as we travel together through Hebrews and discover how Jesus is better in every way for He is the ultimate fulfillment of all of God’s plans. We will utilize the Bible for this study along with a study guide for the course ($7.00). This class is led by Dave Sack and meets 6:30-7:30pm.
— Led by Pastor Mark Gearig
One of the greatest ways you can lead where you are is to share what Jesus has done for you. Yet, for many Christians fears and excuses get in the way of experiencing the joy and blessing of doing so. But if this is you, there is hope! You too can learn to eagerly look forward to having spiritual conversations. Come be equipped so that you might become more EAGER to share using this helpful model! We will utilize the Bible for this study (and other materials will be provided to you). This class is led by Pastor Mark Gearig and meets 6:30-7:30pm.
LUTHERANISM 101: Basics of the Lutheran Faith
— Led by Pastor Gary Trickey
Not sure what it means to be “Lutheran”? Curious about what we believe, teach, and confess? Then this class is for you! Whether you have grown up in the Lutheran church or you are new to the church, you can join us as we study some of the basic foundational beliefs that guide and direct who we are as a family of faith here at SPL. This course utilizes the Lutheranism 101 workbook and Luther’s Small Catechism (total cost to you is $10.00). This class is led by Pastor Gary Trickey and meets 6:30-7:30pm.
— Led by Will Hernan & Teena Lichtenberger
Each and every person has a unique place and purpose in carrying out the mission of Christ as part of God’s family. Come discover how God has uniquely created and equipped YOU to play a vital role in the growing and building of His Kingdom. We’ll explore our Spiritual Gifts, Leadership Skills, and more utilizing the assessments from AssessMe.org. Workbook, assessment, and materials provided. This class is led by Will Hernan and Teena Lichtenberger and meets 6:30-7:30pm.
For a printable version of the information shared, click HERE.
CONFIRMATION (GR. 7 & 8) — Led by Chris Schuette, with Pastor Bill Grueninger
Get in the game and learn what it means to be a player on the field as we continue to uncover what it means to be a member of The Church! Students and parents gather together in the Great Room (2nd floor) each week as we learn how to use the lingo, the stories, the rules and the habits of the church to look, think, and act like the members of the body of Christ. Materials are provided. This course meets on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30pm (Chris Schuette) OR on Sundays from 9:15-10:15am (Pastor Bill).
WEDNESDAY NIGHT @THE LOFT (GR. 9-12) — Led by Pastor Bill Grueninger & SPL Youth Team
It’s Wednesday Night Live for our High School youth at SPL! Get in the game through serving, study, fellowship, food, and prayer as we meet weekly in The Loft (2nd floor). The first series we’ll explore is called “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” with a focus on learning to love people around us through the ministry stories of Jesus. Materials are provided unless otherwise noted. Youth in 7th & 8th Grade not participating in Confirmation on Wednesday evenings are also welcome. This group is led by Pastor Bill Grueninger & the SPL Youth Team and meets 6:30-8:00pm. Join us also Sunday mornings at 9:15am.
Connect on Facebook at facebook.com/groups/SPLYOUTH
SPL KIDS: F3 — Led by Instructors and the SPL KIDS TEAM
3YRS TO 4YRS (Room 203) – Life with God for Children — Led by Doug & Coley Adloff
Children explore a life with God by encountering Him through His story. This special time will connect with our Saturday/Sunday offerings with play, story, prayer, and more. Class meets 6:30-7:30pm and is led by Doug & Coley Adloff and SPL KIDS Team.
5YRS TO 1ST GRADE (Room 206) – Godly Play — Led by Jennifer Power & Bethany Force
This is the first offering of full Godly Play classes. Children will encounter God’s story and work on making it their own through this unique Montessori approach to children’s spiritual formation. Class meets 6:30-7:30pm and is led by Jennifer Power and Bethany Force.
2ND GRADE TO 4TH GRADE (Room 213/214) – Life with God for Children — Led by Jennifer Buhr
As we connect with our Saturday/Sunday offerings, children will explore a life with God by encountering Him through prayer, story and art. Children will have the opportunity to explore their developing image of who God is and how He interacts with His people. Class meets 6:30-7:30pm and is led by Jennifer Buhr & SPL KIDS Team.
5TH GRADE AND 6TH GRADE (Room 211) – Movies & Faith — Led by Jamie Clubbs
Kids will watch Woodlawn and another movie during this session and have activities and discussions to deepen their faith as they grow together. Class meets 6:30-7:30pm and is led by Jamie Clubbs & SPL KIDS Team.
Discover more at SPLDECATUR.ORG/CHILDREN or connect on Facebook at facebook.com/groups/SPLKIDS
Interested in MEMBERSHIP @SPL? Join us February 3rd!
If you are interested in seeking membership at SPL, we invite you to join us for our next Membership @SPL class being offered on Sunday, February 3rd from 12:00-4:00pm. Reserve your space by contacting the Church Office at 217-423-6955 or registering at SPLDECATUR.ORG. We appreciate knowing you’re here — be sure to complete a “Guest” Connect Card each time you join us in Worship (return at Offering time).
*Classes are offered seasonally — in 2019, classes will take place the first Sunday in February, June, and October.