Love For All – Week 43
Philippians 2:12-13
I was 16 years old when my dad attempted to teach me to drive a stick shift. I can still vividly remember the scenario. We were on a back road and I had stalled out the car so many times. For the life of me, I couldn’t understand how to shift or adjust the clutch slowly enough not to kill the whole engine.
By the 20th engine stall, my dad could sense my frustration. Finally, he looked at me and said “Erica, I can’t drive the car for you forever. So learn.”
My dad wasn’t always the best with words. But he was right. I was scared and kept letting my fear and frustrations keep me from doing the driving.
In this week’s passage from Philippians 2, Paul is telling believers to work out their salvation without fear and trembling. He writes:
“Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”
Philippians 2:12-13
Now, it is important to note, that Paul is not instructing the Philippians to earn their own salvation. Scripture is clear that it is by Jesus’ grace alone that we are redeemed and saved. Our works don’t earn us salvation.
So, what does Paul mean here? Paul is being that father figure, one who lovingly nudges the new believers to step into their faith. Each of us as believers have the full assurance that God is working in us to fulfill His good purposes — we just need to step into His call and His work on our lives.

Learn to Drive
It’s like the car. Jesus bought the car, restored the car, washed the car clean. Jesus even has the destination and direction to drive the car.
But now, He invites us into the car and to learn to drive alongside him. Your faith can’t just sit in the driveway – it’s meant to move, have direction, and grow as you go.
As you consider this scripture and reflect this week, respond to the following questions:
1. Is there an area of your faith life that causes you to doubt, that keeps you ‘stalling out’? How can you surrender those doubts to Jesus?
2. Where might Jesus be leading you to ‘drive’ right now?