Christmas is approaching quickly and unfortunately, with that tends to come much busyness and bustling about in preparation for guests and celebrations. The days can seem to be consumed with “to do” lists and “gift lists” and things we have checked off and have yet to check off.
In times like these, it is all the more important to take a moment of pause, to remember exactly why we even celebrate Christmas.
It is for HIM. HE came. HE was born…for us, for each and every one of us, Jesus Christ our Lord.
“I bring you good news of great joy that will be for ALL the people” said the angels in Luke 2:10.
So putting all of the other things aside, really He just asks for us to come to Him, each and every day. It doesn’t have to be Sunday (or Saturday for some) for us to “come and worship”. We can “come and worship” Him each and every day, at any time of day, in our daily lives.
So, come, let us ADORE HIM…Christ the Lord! Let the simplicity of His arrival, the reason He came, that He will come again – let these all be the change in your heart, your life, today and at Christmas and in all the days you are blessed with beyond. Come, let us adore HIM.