Affair Proof Your Marriage
Submitted by Jarvis Howe
In a time where it is ever more important to invest in your marriage and build your home, we are regularly looking for the resources that can help us make our relationships stronger. Bestselling author and international speaker Gary Thomas continues to provide resources on marriage such as these. Want to keep your marriage strong? Then here is something you can do in just two hours a week to “Affair Proof” your marriage (and strengthen intimacy in your marriage). I’ve provided the link below. This is great information, regardless of how long you have been married.
Two Hours A Week to Affair Proof Your Marriage
Spend a few more hours investing in your marriage with us on Saturday, October 17th (8:00am-4:00pm) at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church for the Family Life “I STILL DO” Marriage Simulcast Event. Tickets are still available for this event – just click HERE.