Make Room

Make Room

We’re on the verge of diving in and digging deep into The Rooted Experience. Have you considered and signed up for one of the group experiences available to you at SPL? You can make room for Christ within the life God has entrusted to you – what needs to...
Come and Adore Him

Come and Adore Him

Merry Christmas! Celebrate and rejoice this day and every day for Christ coming and being in your life. Come and adore Him, not only in the manger or on the cross, but also in God’s Word that you can hold in your hands, gaze upon with your eyes, and grow in your...
What’s On Your List for Christmas?

What’s On Your List for Christmas?

Through the season of Advent, we learn to prepare for what is to come and we learn to wait with great expectation – just as people did for hundreds of years – for the coming of the Messiah. At SPL we’ve spent these weeks in a series titled...


NAVIGATION I’m an anxious, list-creating, schedule-oriented person. My every day runs a tight schedule, with a long to-do list and little wiggle room. I have to learn to juggle my roles as mother, housewife, partner, nurse, friend, sister, daughter… every single...
You Are Not Enough

You Are Not Enough

You Are NOT Enough. That’s harsh, I know. But it needs to be said. And as much as it needs to be said, it needs to be explained… that’s where I come in. For many years I have read, been told, and have said the ever popular phrase “You are enough.” You are enough...
ON MISSION: Bringing Hope to Rockport

ON MISSION: Bringing Hope to Rockport

MISSION: TEXAS – JUNE 2019 Our SPL Mission Team once again traveled to Rockport, Texas the week of June 2-7 to help bring restoration and hope to families who were impacted by Hurricane Harvey (August 2017) in partnership with Rockport Hands of Hope. You may...