A Priority…

A Priority…

A Priority… A Celebration of Linda Stubblefield by Andrea Gerhard Just a few weeks ago, another school year came to a close. For the Class of 2018, high school and college seniors celebrated their achievements through graduation ceremonies and parties. But at...
Jesus Brings Good News

Jesus Brings Good News

Jesus Brings Good News  In this season of Lent, the children of SPL Kids will be looking at Jesus. More specifically, they will examine six important truths about Jesus: Jesus brings good news Jesus loves others Jesus is good Jesus lives his life with God Jesus prays...


“O Lord, you have searched me and known me!You know when I sit down and when I rise up;you discern my thoughts from afar…” These are the words that begin Psalm 139, a Psalm of David. He paints a clear picture of how no one, nothing, knows us as...
Emotionally Healthy or Unhealthy??

Emotionally Healthy or Unhealthy??

Are you in the “top ten”? Whether we’re gauging successes or experiences, or even creating a ranking for a laugh, we often want to be in “the top ten”. Here is one top ten that you might want to take a closer look at and also reflect upon...
The Twelve Days…

The Twelve Days…

This weekend, we’re about to Dig In to Emotionally Healthy Spirituality in a big way at SPL. We’re on the edge of a new year, and it’s a good time to do some serious renovation in our emotional and spiritual lives. So, with EHS on the horizon and in...