Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery A couple of weeks ago at the Saturday evening and Sunday 10:30 service, Cheryl and Rudy Hubner from First Church of the Nazarene came and shared a little about Celebrate Recovery, a new ministry that will be launching here in a few months at St....
Making the Most of It

Making the Most of It

  Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. -Colossians 4:5-6 Next week I’m getting ready to do something...
Celebrate Recovery

Reflections on the Recent

This past Saturday my wife and I moved into our first place together, a little apartment in Monticello. Being late July, it was predictably hot, and my father, who recently had hip surgery, was unable to help out. That left only my brother and me to take care of the...
Celebrate Recovery

I Still Do

I Still Do October has been my favorite month for as long as I can remember. The crisp weather, beautiful foliage, and playoff baseball are just a few reasons. But this October will be even better, as St. Paul’s will host the Family Life “I Still Do”...