by Andrea Gerhard | May 27, 2015 | Blog
What’s the Worst that Could Happen? Submitted by Jennifer Power Sometimes, when considering a course of action, we ponder, “What’s the worst that could happen?” And, if the answer is something we can live with, then maybe we move forward. However, as followers...
by Andrea Gerhard | May 26, 2015 | Blog
Love and Respect – Part 2 Submitted by Jarvis Howe, M.A. Last week, I wrote about a major difference between the needs of women and men. In a relationship, a woman’s greatest need is to feel loved and a man’s greatest need is to feel respected. This week, I’m...
by Andrea Gerhard | May 21, 2015 | Blog
What Does He Have for You Today? Submitted by Andrea Gerhard I knew the day would be full, and that hard things might be ahead. I started about the day – the shuttling off to school, daycare classrooms, to work. Like most, I grabbed a cup of coffee and started...
by Andrea Gerhard | May 20, 2015 | Blog
A Bun is My Holy Hairdo Submitted by Jennifer Power I am going to confess something to you which might be a bit of a shock. Ready? Here goes… I do not have a daily quiet time with God. (Feel free to take a moment to catch your breath.) “How can this be?” you might...
by Andrea Gerhard | May 18, 2015 | Blog
Love and Respect Submitted by Jarvis Howe, M.A. Men and women are different. That comes as no surprise to most people. Beyond physical differences, God gave men and women different desires, different needs. I will spend the next three weeks writing about how those...