And I Look for the Resurrection of the Dead…

And I Look for the Resurrection of the Dead…

And I Look for the Resurrection of the Dead… They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has...
Why is Authenticity so Hard?

Why is Authenticity so Hard?

Why Is Authenticity So Hard? Submitted by Jennifer Power We all crave authenticity. Who doesn’t prefer a life-breathing conversation to a chat about the weather? Who really wants to expend tremendous energy keeping up a façade – always smiling, keeping people at arms’...
Depression and the Church

Depression and the Church

Depression and the Church Submitted by Jarvis Howe According to recent numbers from the National Alliance on Mental Illness, approximately 6.7% of American adults, about 14.8 million, people have clinical depression. That means that on Sunday, there is a good chance...
And I Look for the Resurrection of the Dead…

How We Read the Bible

How We Read the Bible Submitted by Pastor Doug Bender If I were to ask you, “How do you read the Bible?”, how would you respond? Where do you begin? Where do you end? Have you ever thought much about this question, or do you tend to pick up the Good Book...
Lord, Hear Our Cry

Lord, Hear Our Cry

National Day of Prayer: Lord, Hear Our Cry On this National Day of Prayer, join us in praying this Prayer for the Nation: Heavenly Father, We come to You in the name that is above every name – Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Our hearts cry out to You. Knowing that...
Why is Authenticity so Hard?

Misconceptions on Surrender

Misconceptions on Surrender Submitted by Jennifer Power The poignant question posed to the kids in my 5th and 6th grade class this past week was “are you willing to give God a blank check with your life?”. I encouraged authenticity, and the general answer was “no.”...