
A More Complete Joy

From one year to the next, in the putting up and taking down of the decorations, some pieces may become worn, some become damaged, others may break. What do you do with those pieces? This “JOY” ornament is one of those worn and broken pieces – maybe you look at...

Can it be different this year?

Get up. Then maybe there’s laundry or dishes. Maybe a few minutes to read, or maybe not. A few thoughts pass through… “…who has practice today? Is that 9:00 AM meeting today? Oh yeah, pull meat out of the freezer for dinner. What time is it? Is...
Children’s Christmas Worship 2017 Sign Ups

Children’s Christmas Worship 2017 Sign Ups

On Sunday, December 17th during the 10:30am worship service, the SPL Kids will be leading worship in our 3rd annual Children’s Christmas Worship. For this service, we are looking for the following roles: Nativity: Shepherds, Angels, Mary, Joseph, Animals Children’s...
Rock Bottom

Rock Bottom

“I had to hit rock bottom to find out that Jesus is the rock who is at the bottom.” Reading a testimonial about the transformative power of Christ recently, this line jumped off the page. It feels close to “rock bottom” these days – can...
We Will Tell…

We Will Tell…

We will not hide them from their children;WE WILL TELL the next generationthe praiseworthy deeds of the LORD,his power, and the wonders he has done. – Psalm 78:4   In recent years, we as a people at SPL have held up Psalm 78:4 as our calling as followers of...