
SHiNe ON: Special Family Events August 20th & 21st

This weekend (August 20th/21st) is a very special weekend for families in our SPL church family and our community. I do not want your family to miss out on any of the excitement, so here are all the important details families need to know for this weekend!


SHiNe Children’s Ministry “Move-Up”

The weekend of August 20th/21st is the official “Move-Up” weekend for kids entering new children’s education classes. Starting this weekend, please have your children attend their new classes (for those entering 1st grade, 5th grade, and 7th grade).

First Bible Presentations

During all three weekend services on August 20th/21st we will do a family Bible presentation for all Kindergartners and Third-Graders. Parent and child will be called forward in each service to receive a Bible and make a commitment together in the presence of the body of Christ to read, study, share and pray together.

Prayer Over SHiNe Children’s Ministry – Children & Teachers

Immediately following the First Bible Presentation in each service, we will call forward all SHiNe Children’s Ministry teachers and all children for a special prayer dedicating this year of children’s education to the Lord and asking for His blessing on it.

Feed My Starving Children MobilePack Special Offering

The past three weeks we have handed out M & M containers to kids and encouraged them to be doing small chores at home to earn quarters for Feed My Starving Children. Each quarter earned by a child provides a meal for a child in need. This is a very special way kids can help other kids around the world. During all three services this weekend, we will invite the children to bring their special FMSC offerings forward. If your kids have been collecting quarters, remind them to bring their quarters this weekend! If you are unable to attend this weekend, you can bring the quarters to the church office during the following week or bring the offering to SHiNe Children’s Time the following weekend. It is not too late to have your kids start earning quarters for FMSC!

The Feed My Starving Children Decatur Community MobilePack Event is September 23 & 24 at SPL – Volunteer Registration for this event begins on August 22nd. Children ages 5 and up can pack along with an adult – this is a great way for your family to serve together!

Worship Resources – NEW Kid Kits

This weekend, we will have new Kid Kits options for toddlers to 4th graders. The two options are: Non-Readers (approximately 18 months – 1st grade) and Readers (approximately 2nd – 4th grade). These bags are meant to help your children engage in activities which are beneficial to their spirits during our family worship services.

The NON-READER Kid Kits will be in the same smaller bags we have been utilizing to this point, with white handles.

The READER Kid Kits will be in larger bags with unfolded papers inserted in the bags, visible from the top of the bag, with colored handles.

*Children under 3 should be well supervised with kid-kits as there are items which could pose a choking hazard such as crayons, a button sewn to a ribbon, stickers, etc.*

“Welcome Home” Church Picnic & Family Fest

Sunday, August 21st following 10:30am worship, we hope you will join us for an afternoon of fellowship, food, and fun! We will start by celebrating the progress of our NEXT Phase II projects with the Dedication of our new Cross Tower followed by a potluck picnic lunch. If you plan to enjoy the picnic lunch, we ask that you bring a dish or dessert to pass and your own dinner ware (plates & utensils) and chairs/blanket for seating. The main dish (fried chicken) and drink will be provided.

For children and youth, we will have additional special activities you will not want to miss! There will be 3 bounce houses, face painting, and balloon animals for the kids. The youth will be playing kiddie pool kickball, so plan to bring clothes that can get wet and dirty for youth who plan to play! Face paint is not allowed in the inflatables, so let your kids know they should plan to get their faces painted after they are finished playing in the inflatables.

This event is for the congregation and community, so invite your friends and neighbors to join us this weekend! Celebrate the start of a new school year and the blessings of family with us – Welcome Home!

If you have any questions about any of these items, please call or email me at or (217) 423-6955.

May God bless your homes,


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