FAMILY SERVING FAMILY – Funeral Luncheon Coordinator

During a time of loss, families need the most care. Here at SPL, we provide a funeral luncheon to families who have experienced the loss of a loved one. We provide a main dish, drinks and supplies, and we rely on others in our family of faith who willingly provide a donated side dish or dessert to make a complete meal for the family. A team of women and men from SPL then gather on the day of the funeral to prepare and serve the meal with care, providing an opportunity for family to spend time with loved ones and friends following the service or burial.

Would you be willing to be the person to lead the team of faithful caregivers who provide this special service?

We are currently seeking a person to step into the role of Funeral Luncheon Coordinator. This leader is called into action at the time of a loss to help secure donated food items for the meal and also lead the serving team at the time of the luncheon, with detail and assistance provided by the Office Staff.

If you feel called to take on this role and would like to learn more, please contact Sarah Johnson in the Church Office by November 30th at 217-423-6955.