The Fall season is upon you, and while some things are different there are some that never change – like your need to keep learning and growing, especially in your faith and relationship with God and others. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church has a number of options available to you to help you get equipped for all that life is bringing your way in this season. Whether it’s choosing to take a next step in your faith, strengthen your commitments, grow in your relationship with God and others, or another reason, we have both in-person and online offerings available to help you do that. Take a look at what’s ahead – register now for the course of your choosing. Classes begin the week of September 16th.
Child care (for children ages 6 weeks – 12 years)
is available to those who are taking in-person classes on Wednesday evening (F3 & Membership classes). Please be sure to register your children needing care during in-person classes on the Fall Registration Form.
PLEASE NOTE: Most of the classes being offered will have a meeting time on Wednesday evenings beginning September 16th, however there are some meeting outside of this day and also at some varied times. Please note the meeting time and method of meeting for the class you are choosing. Also, because of the regulations and guidelines related to COVID-19, we are NOT able to offer a meal before F3 classes on Wednesday evenings – because of this, in-person classes will begin at 6:00 PM. As is our practice for worship, please wear a mask and practice social distancing while on the SPL campus.
Meets Wednesdays IN-PERSON at SPL 6:00-7:30 PM (5 Sessions), September 16-October 14
If you’re ready to take a next step in your commitment to faith, and you’ve been considering membership at SPL, this is the class for you! You are invited to enter in to the newly updated five session class, built on our mission at SPL. This class will help you understand the commitments of membership, what it means to be a follower of Jesus, and your part in the story. The five sessions include:
WEEK 1: Welcome Home
WEEK 2: Love God
WEEK 3: Build the Home
WEEK 4: Change the World
WEEK 5: Live It
As a part of this course, you will not only get to dig deeper into God’s story, but you’ll learn where both SPL and you fit into this greater story through learning, interaction, and connection. You’ll also have the opportunity to decide to fully commit to membership at SPL at the end of the course. Those who desire to become members through the signing of the Membership Covenant will be a part of New Member Welcome during 10:30am worship on Sunday, November 1, 2020. This course is led by Pastor Mark Gearig and members of the SPL ministry team. Materials will be provided to you.
Meets Wednesdays IN-PERSON and ONLINE 6:00-7:00 PM, F3 Fall Session September 16-November 18
King Solomon was rich, powerful, and revered by many. He seemed to have it all. Yet, as he neared the end of his life he discovered a profound truth: it was all meaningless. What was supposed to bring fulfillment and joy only left him empty and disappointed in the end. Pastor Wray Offermann will lead this group in a journey through the Book of Ecclesiastes and discover along with Solomon the one thing that truly gives life meaning and purpose. You will need a Bible for this class. This class is available in both IN-PERSON and ONLINE (via Zoom) options – please select your preference when registering for the course.
Meets IN-PERSON and ONLINE (Times and options listed below)
F3 Fall Session September 16-November 18 | Kickoff Online September 13
Go beyond whatever classes, seminars, or Bible studies you have done before and DIG IN to Rooted! The Rooted Experience is an interactive 10-week journey in which groups connect weekly to talk about what God has been revealing to each member through weekly readings, journal entries, and prayer. Become a better disciple as you learn from one another and as the Holy Spirit works to comfort, encourage, and guide each group member. This is a first step in the SPL Growth Track, intended to grow you in your faith, as a member, as a leader, and to gain a new level of understanding of what our faith in God and following Jesus is all about.
You will gain the fullest experience by being fully present — if you anticipate you might miss three or more sessions during the 10 week time period, it is suggested you wait until you can more fully participate. Along with the weekly meeting time, you will take part in a prayer experience and a serve experience specific to your group. You’ll also discover your spiritual gifts and tackle some tough questions. In a world that can be fragmented, isolated, and empty, The Rooted Experience allows you to experience community, generosity, and intimacy with God. There is a participant guide for this course at a cost of $10.00.
IN-PERSON Meets Wednesdays 6:00-7:30PM at SPL
ONLINE (Two Options) Meets Tuesday (via Zoom) 6:00-7:30PM (First Class 9/15)
Meets Wednesday (via Zoom) 6:30-8:00PM
Meets Wednesdays ONLINE via Zoom 8:30-9:30 PM F3 Fall Session September 16-November 18
How you spend your time and money reveals what you value. So what does your investment say about how much you value your marriage? Are you intentionally investing in nurturing and growing your connection with your spouse? If you are ready to make a deeper investment in your marriage relationship, then this class is for you! Each week you will receive a link to a marriage related video that you and your spouse will view together along with a set of questions you can talk through together in response. Then, connect with Pastor Bill & Karli Grueninger and Pastor Mark & Jennifer Gearig ONLINE via Zoom on Wednesdays at 8:30PM for conversation, connection, and loving community around the week’s topic as we learn how to get alone and get spiritual together. Let’s build our homes together by intentionally investing in marriage! Couples of all ages are welcomed and encouraged.