
The Harvest

Submitted by Melanie Brown, Motivated by More

Fall has arrived. The crisp cool air this morning reminded me that we are in fact almost a month into fall, but the summer-like temperatures that have lingered makes it easy for one to forget that fall is in fact here.

Growing up in the area, I have always loved all things fall –

The changing of the leaves and the sound of them crunching under my feet…

Amazing sunsets that paint the sky all colors of the rainbow…

Analyzing the color and direction of the Willy Worms crawling across the road, as we try to predict the upcoming winter…

The smell of a campfire…

The farmers in the fields as they begin the harvest season…

It’s a beautiful season and it makes me truly appreciate our local farmers – they are so hard working and faithful.

If you look at the work of a farmer (forgive my simplification of the process – I did not grow up on a farm), you see that their work begins in late winter and early spring as they prepare the soil. Once the soil has reached the right temperature, they till the soil and plant the seeds. Over the next several months, they tend their crops by watering, weeding, and praying over them as they patiently wait to see how God is going to provide. Then, as fall arrives, it is time for them to bring out the combine and begin harvest.

On the surface it seems a simplified process, but when you look at the heart of a farmer there is so much more. They are diligent in their work from start to finish, trusting God will provide the right amount of rain, sunlight, and nutrients to help their crops grow year after year. They are essentially servicemen in my eyes too, because after they harvest the crops they haul, store, and eventually sell these products to companies that will produce food – helping to feed the entire world.

Wow. I stand in awe. Without them, our food supply would not be what it is today, and we are so blessed to live right here in the heart of it. Truly amazing.

In the Bible, you often see illustrations of farming used over 2000 years ago to help spread the gospel. HarvestPlentyI love what is written in Matthew 9:37-38, ‘Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”’ Jesus was reminding His disciples that more harvesters or farmers are needed – our world is hurting for workers who will sow seeds and reap the harvest in God’s SPIRITUAL FIELDS.

As faithful followers of Christ, we need to do more planting and harvesting with the faith-filled heart like that of a farmer. Many of us often struggle with this because of fear, feeling inadequate, the worry of invading one’s privacy, and hesitation – this leads us to think, “Someone else can do the planting of the seeds.”

Farmers rise early and work hard to do what they have been called to do. It IS hard work. It IS a humble job. As followers of Christ we are called to share the gospel and love others as Jesus loved us. As Jesus reminds us in Matthew 28:19, “Therefore GO and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” we are to get in the field, plant seeds, water and care for it all, and reap the harvest while also teaching others to do the same.

So, let’s GO out into this world and plant seeds that we might reap a glorious harvest…

You can do this by letting someone go ahead of you in line, opening the door for a stranger, giving a compliment, giving someone a hug, cooking a neighbor a meal, and so much more.

Plant seeds of love, show others who Jesus is through your actions, practice forgiveness.

The harvest will come, and as farmers are faithful, we must be too. You see, farmers do all of the ground work…but God does the GROWING.

As farmers of God’s spiritual field, we too must work diligently, planting and watering seeds of love, delivering SONlight, and watching patiently to see what grows in His perfect timing.

The harvest may come after we have left His earth, but I can tell you friends, it will be a glorious harvest and celebration worth waiting for!

Peace, love, and prayers –

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