By now most of you may have heard that on Saturday, October 17th St. Paul’s is hosting the “I Still Do” marriage simulcast put on by Family Life. This is going to be an exciting event for all couples to invest in and strengthen their marriages. For those of you unfamiliar with the term “simulcast,” it is where an event at one place is streamed live to other “host” sites. The “I Still Do” event is happening at a church in Virginia and is being streamed live to dozens of host sites across the country including St. Paul’s.
My wife and I were at a table out in the fellowship area this past weekend signing people up for a chance to win free tickets to the event. It was great to talk to people about the event and there is a lot of positive buzz about it, which is really exciting. There were a couple of comments that I heard over the weekend and wanted to address to anyone who may be thinking the same thing.
The name “I Still Do,” is perhaps a little misleading. This isn’t just an event for those who have been married several years, as some people have thought (I Still Do). This is an event that has blessed thousands of couples at every stage of life and marriage over the years. My wife and I are looking forward to going and we just got married in July! The event can bless those who have recently been married especially as it can provide you with a solid foundation on which to build your marriage.
I also heard someone say that they thought this event would be a good idea for an older couple they knew but that this couple would probably think they are “too old” to benefit from something like this and wouldn’t be interested. I truly believe that “being too old” is rarely a good excuse for learning new skills or becoming involved in something. I hope my wife and I never reach the day when we think we are too old to invest in our marriage. In contrast to the reasoning for younger couples to attend this event, to build a solid foundation for their marriage, it can be a blessing for more experienced marriages by helping to see if there are areas in which you’ve fallen into bad habits.
Events like this don’t come along too often. If you don’t have plans and it’s just going to be another typical Saturday, please consider attending. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Tickets are just $24.75 each, $49.50 per couple, through September 30, at which point they go up to $30 each, $60 per couple. Childcare will also be available at the church that day. If you would like more information please contact Jarvis Howe, Director of Counseling and Family Ministry, or (217)-423-6955, or if you would like to register you can visit the event link on the calendar at SPLDECATUR.ORG or go directly to the ticketing link at