Have you thought about travel to the Holy Land?
Dear SPL Friends –
For over 45 years I have taught, preached, and lived the words and teaching of our precious Savior as we endeavored to hold out the Word of life to all. Next fall, Carolyn and I plan to physically stand where He stood, hear again what He said, and experience what those first followers experienced as God’s saving plan unfolded for all mankind.
Our planning details are unfolding into our personally customized trip that will take place in October 2020. Some folks are already committed. We have been praying about this trip and needless to say we are beyond excited (and also a bit nervous) to take on this adventure, but we believe God is behind this. Just thinking about standing in the Jordan River, walking the Via Dolorosa, taking a reflecting walk through the Garden of Gethsemane, or actually climbing up the same steps that Jesus did is a humbling thought. I think this experience holds the promise of a deeper love for Jesus as well as creating a more passionate desire to serve Him and share His love. We pray we will return home more assured than ever of the truths we have embraced and more prepared to defend the faith to a doubting spiritually confused world.
After researching several tour companies we have selected a Christian travel group, Imagine Tours and Travel. They will provide us with a Christian guide who will show us the places where Jesus was born, where He taught, where He died, and where He rose again. We will see excavations that reaffirm Biblical truth and remind us that our faith rests squarely upon documented history. As the Apostle Paul stated when on trial before King Agrippa, “These things did not happen unnoticed in a corner.”
To help you become familiar with this journey and learn more details that go into planning this adventure, we would like to invite you to an informational gathering on Monday, June 24th at 7:00 PM in the Dining Room at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. Our itinerary brochures are being printed and we will have them available that night. We will have an open line of communication with Mr. Tim Parker who will be able to answer all of the questions that we cannot. Tim is the representative we have been working with from Imagine Tours and Travel. You can browse their website at www.ittworld.com. You might be most interested in reading comments from those who have already traveled there.
If you cannot attend the meeting and either want more information or know already that you definitely want to join our group, please email us at grammyoffermann@yahoo.com. Since this is our first time to host a travel group, we are taking a limited number of guests. Spaces are available first come, first serve.
We are both thrilled and honored to have you consider such a life-changing adventure with us!
Pastor Wray and Carolyn Offermann