“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” – EPHESIANS 5:1-2
These verses from
Ephesians 5 are our starting point.
These words remind us how we
learn to love others well. It’s not something that comes naturally. Let’s be honest. Showing love to people,
especially those who are different from us, is challenging, frustrating, and even undesirable at times.

We truly learn to love others well by looking to and imitating Jesus, the one who perfectly lived out and displayed the abundant love of God. It’s in grasping how unlovable we were – and still are at times – and yet seeing how God still showered His love upon us through Jesus and His all-sufficient, outpouring of love, grace, and forgiveness for you and me on the cross.
We learn to truly love others well simply by beholding and experiencing Jesus and His overflowing love and then seeking to imitate Him in our interactions with others each day. We won’t always get it right, but by the power of the Holy Spirit working in us, we can and WILL grow in our love for all.
As we begin this journey together, take some time this week to reflect upon the reality of God’s love for you as seen in Jesus and your value as a child of God using the following questions. Discuss as a family or with others.
In this part of the letter to the Ephesians, Paul starts off by reminding the believers of their significance as beloved children of God.
How does being loved help us show love to others?
What does it look like to “walk in love” (In your workplace, home, school, running errands, at sporting events, etc.)?
Learn more about the Love For All Weekly Devotion and connect with additional resources at SPLDECATUR.ORG/LOVEFORALL
Each week we will include a few questions for you to reflect upon and discuss as a family or with others. Make some space each week to talk about the questions and your responses with someone. We welcome you to also share your thoughts, questions, and prayers with us via this Love For All Response Form.