Micah 6:8

Micah 6:8

There are certain moments in life that are exciting in the moment, but afterwards leave you wondering, “Ok, now what?”

For me, one of those moments was the birth of our first child, Ezra. I remember being pretty confident ahead of time. I had years of experience being an Uncle and hanging out with my nieces and nephew. I would have no trouble being a parent.

But I can remember soon after Ezra was born, as we met our first unexpected challenge, being met by this question of “Ok, now what? What do I do now?” It may have been the first, but it’s far from the last time I’ve asked that question as a parent.

Life is full of “now what?” moments — those moments where we wonder what to do next. In our scripture reading today, the prophet Micah addresses this question of “what now?” when it comes to our identity as children of God.

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” -Micah 6:8

Micah 6:8

Micah is speaking to God’s people reminding them of God’s desire for their lives. He reminds them that their identity as God’s people should define how they live. And he sums God’s desire for them up in three simple points: do the right thing, show your appreciation for my kindness and mercy by showing others kindness and mercy, and do life with Me each day recognizing I am God and you are not.

Simple, but not easy.

While all three of these are important for you and I to live out as loved and redeemed children of God, I think that last one is most important.

Seek Him First.

If you and I are not daily seeking God in His Word and prayer, we are not very likely to do the right thing.  If you and I are not daily acknowledging our brokenness and finiteness before God, we aren’t going to be very good at showing mercy to others.

God reminds us that the foundation of living life for Him is waking up each day and admitting I am not God,  He is. I don’t know best, He does.  So today, take a moment to admit your brokenness and limits before God, to rest in His mercy and grace, and to follow His lead in doing the right thing and showing mercy throughout your day.

As you consider this scripture and reflect this week, respond to the following questions:

1.  What makes doing the right thing hard?

2. What is one thing you could do this week to help you better ‘walk humbly’ with God?

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