
“My problem with running out of gas took on a whole new meaning once I became a dad fourteen years ago. I soon discovered and would learn over and over again that parenting is a gas guzzler. Surviving the transition from married couple to married with kids requires a lot of energy. Living out God’s purpose for marriage and family is exhausting. Trying to do it well often leaves us running on empty.”

Can you identify? How often do you feel like you are ‘running on empty’? Have you noticed your spouse looking or feeling the same way?


You might consider reading more of this post on the Gary Thomas blog, a guest submission by Patrick and Ruth Schwenk (authors of For Better or For Kids: A Vow to Love Your Spouse with Kids in the House and other parenting and marriage resources).

It is titled Loving Your Spouse by Lightening Their Load

wp-1456294508710-600x600This is a great read for couples. It focuses on the command in Galatians 6:2 to Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

I have always loved this verse and love the way the author of the blog post has applied it here to the marriage relationship. I often think of this verse as applying to the church as a whole, which it certainly does, commanding us to carry the burdens of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Of course, nothing but good things and blessings can come from applying this verse to our most important human relationship: the one with our spouse.

I hope this post can be a blessing to you on this Monday.

In His Service,


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