There are many different ways you can learn the joy of giving in support of mission work in God’s Kingdom. Carol Stafford, a long time member of SPL and leader in the local LWML (Lutheran Women Mission League) shares her story about one way she supports mission work through the Mite Box:
The Mighty Penny! I am constantly amazed how many people do not realize the power of the little penny. I am always on the lookout for a dropped or left behind penny. Whenever I find one I immediately pick it up and say “you are going in my Mite Box!”
I have so much fun finding pennies and I am amazed at the places you now notice them and find them. It makes me so happy to know that this little penny is going to some mission project of the LWML (Lutheran Women Mission League) and make a real difference. No matter how small, these pennies add up to spread the Good News to many places that are in need of help to further God’s Word.
I committed to using the LWML Mite Box several years ago when I joined the SPL LWML mission society. It has become a great joy for me to not only notice and find the pennies and other coins that go into my Mite Box, but also to continue the discipline of filling it regularly.
With something as simple as a penny, it can be a fun and easy way to engage kids too! They also can learn to be on the lookout for what God places in their path and discover the joy of saving and giving to others through a Mite Box.
Don’t have your own Mite Box? You can use another container or you can get one for your home right at SPL. You can find out all about the places these pennies on mission can travel and the history of the Mite Box by visiting