The Power of A Simple Gift…
…to us it may just be a cardboard shoebox, filled with a small bear, a ball, art supplies, and paper. But when those items, and the partnership of Samaritan’s Purse and The Greatest Journey, children around the globe have the opportunity to be blessed beyond measure through the Shoebox Gift they receive and the gift of Christ’s love and the power of the Gospel message.
For us it can be a simple activity we do as an individual, a family, and as a church – but it can be so much more. Deciding to pack an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Gift is an important first step to connecting the next generation with God’s Word and in a loving relationship with His Son Jesus, working to change the lives of children and impact communities in places we can’t immediately reach. It’s an accessible serve for our children and our families, and that is why we continue to be a part of this important work each year at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church.

Good News & Great Joy
YOU are invited to be a part of it all – and here’s how you can help:
SPL will be packing shoebox gifts for Operation Christmas Child on Sunday, October 22nd beginning at 12:00 PM in the Dining Room. A light lunch will also be provided.
We welcome your donation of shoebox items or monetary gifts ($10.00 per shoebox) that will help us pack and ship as many boxes as we are able to fill. Return donations to the table in the Fellowship Area or to the Church Office. We do collect items and donations year-round.
We aim to pack as many Shoebox Gifts as we can, but we need the items to place inside the boxes to make that happen. Here are some of the items we would be grateful to have, which would enable us to pack for both boys and girls in the various age groups (Girl or Boy, Ages 2-4, 5-9, 10-14):
View and download the Gift Suggestions by Age and Gender Information Sheet – CLICK HERE
Please pay special attention to NOT include the items they have noted, especially candy, toothpaste, liquids, war-themed toys, etc. (as some requirements from U.S. Customs have changed). If we do receive some of them by accident, we will donate them locally.
You can also pack a Shoebox Gift on your own – a supply of OCC boxes are available at SPL. Please return ALL Shoebox Gifts to SPL by November 13th – we will deliver them to one of the official local collection centers during National Collection Week (November 13-20).
(If you should not return yours to SPL by November 13, please take your Shoebox Gift directly to a collection center in our area.)
Learn More
Take a peek at the work of Samaritan’s Purse & Operation Christmas Child – click the video to watch and learn more.
Questions about Operation Christmas Child at St. Paul’s?
Just ask – we’re happy to help.
Connect with us at and also follow along with our OCC at SPL Community on Facebook at