Seek Your Perfecter, Not Perfection

Motivation to be TRANSFORMED in Physical Health – Contributed by Melanie Brown

In Zechariah 4:10 we read, “Do not despise these small beginnings for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” Zechariah was talking to the Jews that had returned to Judah. They were rebuilding the temple and some of the older Jews were disheartened or discouraged because this temple was being rebuilt and it was not as big and grand as the old temple. God gave the message to Zechariah to tell these people “to not despise these small beginnings.”


I feel like this is such a good reminder as we think about our health journey. Many of us are discouraged because we can’t do what we once were able to, we don’t look like we did 5 years ago, and similarly we start to think we are not as grand.

When we break down this verse we can see how it can apply to many areas of our lives, especially our physical health journey.

“Do not despise these small beginnings.” Getting started can be very hard. Before you can do this, you must accept yourself as God accepts you. He loves you. You ARE enough! You also must accept where you are today in your physical health journey. If you are just getting started or have been consistent but still fall short of your goals, make today the start of a new path! Say to yourself, “Here’s to a year of better habits, positive thinking, clean eating, and most of all, loving yourself.” Do not let your past paralyze you. Set out to make changes, not because the old you is bad, but because the old you can improve. Set your heart free by approaching your health in a new way.

The second part of this passage, Zechariah 4:10 says, “for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” Don’t compare your journey to anyone else’s. Michelle Myers, CEO of She Works His Way Ministry, said, “God does not care if you have 6 pack abs, he looks at your heart. If you want to chase something – that will bring you JOY and TRUE LOVE – seek your perfecter, not perfection.”

Slide1God views success much differently than the world views success. He is in control. His ways are not our ways. He is constant and He is faithful. Matthew 28:20 reminds us that He will not leave us. He will not forsake us, and He is with us to the very end. Begin the work. Ask Jesus to be a part of this process. Seeking our perfecter seems too easy, too accessible, too good to be true, but it is so very important. The work doesn’t start on the treadmill, it starts on your knees.

Connect with Melanie on Facebook at Motivated by More

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