Imparting the Faith

Imparting the Faith

Imparting the Faith Submitted by Jennifer Power Whose job is it to teach the life of Christian faith to children? At first glance, this may seem like a simple question with a simple answer. One might say it is the job of Christian educators (school teachers, Sunday...
Family Devotional on Time with God

Family Devotional on Time with God

Family Devotional on Time with God Submitted by Jennifer Power Pastor Eric talked with us this past weekend about living life with God. One way to begin building a life with God is to spend time with Him. In my own life, I have found it easier to keep God in my mind...
Children’s Christmas Worship

Children’s Christmas Worship

Children’s Christmas Worship Submitted by Jennifer Power This Sunday, December 20th during the 10:30am worship service, our children will be leading us in worship. At first, I thought having the kids lead a Christmas worship service was a great idea. Then I started...
Christmas Articles Worth Reading

Christmas Articles Worth Reading

A Few Christmas Articles Worth Reading Submitted by Jennifer Power In case you haven’t noticed…Christmas is coming! It is only 16 days until the big day arrives! Last week I wrote about the pressure Christian parents may feel around this beautiful, emotional, hectic...
Eleven Ways to Celebrate Christ this Christmas

Eleven Ways to Celebrate Christ this Christmas

Eleven Ways to Celebrate Christ this Christmas As I was searching for some kind of Christmas-themed blog idea for today I came across this piece and saw some great ideas in here for families. As the article cautions at the end, don’t try to do every one of these...