Love For All – Week 45

Love For All – Week 45

LOVE FOR ALL – WEEK 45 James 1:19-21 “Hurry, hurry! Quick, get in your car seat so we aren’t late!” “Slow down on your balance bike so you don’t wreck!” Quick vs. slow. I’ve been teaching my toddler all about opposites, but as I meditate on God’s Word today I’m...
Love For All – Week 44

Love For All – Week 44

Love For All – Week 44 Philippians 2:14-16 Do everything without grumbling or arguing. You can do that, right? In this week’s scripture from Philippians 2, this command from Paul to the Philippians seems straightforward.  Paul writes: “Do everything...
Love For All – Week 43

Love For All – Week 43

Love For All – Week 43 Philippians 2:12-13 I was 16 years old when my dad attempted to teach me to drive a stick shift. I can still vividly remember the scenario. We were on a back road and I had stalled out the car so many times. For the life of me, I couldn’t...
Love For All – Week 42

Love For All – Week 42

Love For All – Week 42 Philippians 2:1-11 Aren’t we all supposed to be unique? As humans we have this innate desire to be different. We all want to be recognized for something great. In the world this often manifests into people pursuing money, love, education,...
Love For All – Week 38

Love For All – Week 38

LOVE FOR ALL – WEEK 38 Galatians 2:20 Some things require a little reminder. Maybe it’s enough to just jot it down on a post it note. Maybe it’s something that gets added to your calendar, that you set an alarm for, or even you tell “Siri” to make sure you don’t...