Children’s Christmas Worship at SPL

Children’s Christmas Worship at SPL

For Parents and Kids – Get Ready for Children’s Christmas Worship at SPL! On Sunday, December 16th during the 10:30am worship service, children will lead us in worship. Here is what you need to know to prepare: Speaking Parts/Mary & Joseph/Nativity We...
Jesus Brings Good News

Jesus Brings Good News

Jesus Brings Good News  In this season of Lent, the children of SPL Kids will be looking at Jesus. More specifically, they will examine six important truths about Jesus: Jesus brings good news Jesus loves others Jesus is good Jesus lives his life with God Jesus prays...
Caleb: Following God Wholeheartedly

Caleb: Following God Wholeheartedly

Caleb: Following God Wholeheartedly Last week, we talked about some things that keep us from a life with God. This week, we are going to narrow in on one roadblock most of us can relate to. Fear. The Israelites, when they came near to Canaan (the promised land), were...
Moses: Are We Listening?

Moses: Are We Listening?

Moses: Are We Listening? Moses heard the voice of God after he learned solitude and silence in Midian as a shepherd. He escaped Pharaoh after killing a man who was abusing his people and entered the desert for 40 years. In the silence and solitude of his life as a...
Joseph & Me: A “With-God” Life

Joseph & Me: A “With-God” Life

Joseph and Me: A With-God Life What is a “With-God” Life? A “With-God” life is a grace-filled life. This week, SPL Kids Time is focused on studying Joseph. A key phrase “God was always with Joseph” is repeated throughout the lessons. To help us...