Have you ever stopped to simply marvel at the universe? I’m not talking about understanding, or measuring, or observing – I’m talking marveling. Have you been filled with wonder and astonishment over the sheer reality of the expansive space we are placed in?
This weekend we’re taking a look at the evidence for the existence of God in our Room for Doubt teaching series. In my prep time this week, the thing that keeps blowing me away is how deep and wide this realm of creation really is. As I’ve discovered the scientific data on the size of the cosmos, it’s made me feel more and more like our existence is a needle in a haystack buried in countless needless in haystacks. Earth is a tiny blip in our solar system. Our system is a speck in our Milky Way galaxy. Our galaxy is one of billions of other estimated galaxies, according to scientific research.
What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? – Psalm 8
It’s enough to make your head spin. And as the Holy Spirit works in you, it’s enough to bring you to the realization that this earthly realm is so vast and beyond our comprehension. God is so big, and it can make me feel rather small, even insecure. But this is also the God who says He loves us! He knows us by name and considers us to be the crown jewel of all His handiwork. We’re both one in a million as a piece of what God has made, and one in a million in the value that God places on each one of us…
Now, this is an incredible shift in gears, so hang with me 🙂
It’s not the epitome of good Christian values, but one of my all-time favorite movies is Dumb and Dumber. Toward the end of the film, Jim Carrey finally catches up to the girl of his dreams. He tries to make his move and lays it on the line:
Carrey’s reaction is priceless. We all know she’s gently trying to let him down, but Carrey takes it completely the wrong way. He thinks he’s one in a million in the best way possible!
The beautiful thing about our God is that we truly are one in a million. In the best way possible. Psalm 8 continues:
You have made him a little lower than the angels and crowned him with glory and honor. You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet.
While this universe is so incredibly enormous, God says we’re what matter most. He is trusting us to take care of His creation, to rule over it with love and good stewardship. And where we were careless He sent Christ to become like we are, to live on this microscopic world – to lay down His life and redeem it.
Some days I don’t know what blows my mind more – the infinite expanse of God’s creation or the fact that that this infinite God would subdue and surrender Himself to save us.
While I can’t always understand Him, I’m just thankful to have and know Him.
Enjoying the Journey,
Pastor Doug