In this season of Lent, I find myself being so busy that I am struggling to find the time to simply look up from my computer to look out the window at the birds…to look at the BIRDS! Why is it so hard to slow down and be present with God and His creation?

He has called us to be with Him, to be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46), and yet, we continue to find ways to distract ourselves with busy work, to find a level of value in our works and daily accomplishments as if God is waiting to give us a gold medal for checking off all the boxes on our to-do list.

Isn’t our identity in God the Father enough?

In this week’s scripture, Luke 10:38-42 (NLT), the story of Martha and Mary paints this picture quite well for us. Jesus and his disciples went on their way to Jerusalem when they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what He taught. But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing (her own works). She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.” But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”

Jesus firmly (and with compassion) tells Martha that Mary has found her identity in Christ and is doing what He has called her to do – to come, be still, and know. Martha, just like many of us, got caught in the details, in the works of trying to please Jesus rather than just being with Him.

Our ability to get caught in the details stems from a lack of trust at times. Though getting things done is important, do we not know that God has already written our stories for tomorrow?

“So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today,” said in Matthew 6:34 – a reminder that we can find rest in today.

With this truth written for us, may we go into this week knowing that the love Jesus has for us is enough to sustain our days. We do not need to strive to have all the details perfectly aligned.

Make the effort to sit at His feet, to look up, and to notice what God is doing in you and around you.

As you consider these words and reflect on the scripture for this week, respond to these questions:

1. Can you relate to Martha in this story of Luke 10? Can you recall a time in your memory (past or present) where your actions, words, and feelings were similar to Martha?

2. In your specific relationship with Christ, what does it look like or what has it looked like in relation to Mary’s response to Jesus? Describe a time where you met the Lord at His feet and listened to His teachings? Was is in a time of quiet prayer, worship with others, scripture study, or a moment with a community member?

Connect with more information about the Love For All Weekly Devotion and additional resources at SPLDECATUR.ORG/LOVEFORALL and SHARE your thoughts, questions, and prayers with us HERE.

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