Hello Church!
As you may have already heard, we are now prepared to be able to offer in-person worship services once again at our regular worship times at SPL (Saturday 6:00 PM, Sunday 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM). You may be very excited to connect with us once again in this way. You may not be ready for this yet. You may not physically be able to do so. Whatever your situation is, please know that IT IS OK! However you are comfortable connecting with us, we are glad to have you as a part of this SPL Family. We will continue to broadcast all of our worship services at their regular times at spldecatur.churchonline.org so you and your family or you and your small group can gather and worship where you are comfortable. Audio CDs are also available for those without internet connections (request by calling the Church Office at 217-423-6955).
If you plan to come to in-person worship at SPL beginning this weekend, we’d like to share with you these guidelines for what to expect as we enter into this new adventure in worship. All throughout this process, it has been our aim to love and care for all in our Decatur community, and we want to continue do our part to help protect our family, friends, and neighbors from the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and other illnesses. We ask that you partner with us in continuing to be socially responsible and mindful of the health and well-being of all people.
We appreciate you adhering to the following guidelines when attending in-person worship at SPL:
1. WELCOME HOME TO WORSHIP: Due to the State of Illinois guidelines for worship gatherings, and in order for us to be socially responsible and worship together safely, we ask for you to complete a worship reservation each week to help us maintain safe limits as we practice social distancing in the worship center. Each week (by end of day Friday), you will go to spldecatur.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/66/responses/new and let us know which service you plan to attend (please complete one form per household). (If you cannot access the form, you can call Sarah or Lisa in the Church Office at 217-423-6955 for assistance.)
2. PARKING & ENTRY: Please enter the building at the South (southwest) entrance located along the front face of our building (as marked); parking is available in the lot adjacent to the entrance. We ask that all attendees stay with their family group and walk directly to the worship center as guided by greeters and ushers without gathering in fellowship spaces. An usher will guide you to available seating and will dismiss you at the end of worship. Households will sit together. Building use at this time is limited to the worship center and the restrooms (located by the Field House).
3. SOCIAL DISTANCING & SELF CARE: Please maintain 6-ft social distancing, both in seating in and walking through the building as you enter and exit. Please bring your own Bible. We do provide hand sanitizer stations at the entrance to the worship center for your use. We know it’s challenging, but we ask that you do not hug or shake hands in greeting. We promote #itsoktosmileandwave.
4. FACE MASKS: The wearing of Face Masks is essential for any connection with others within 6 feet. If you do not have one, a mask will be supplied to you upon entering the building.
5. RESTROOMS: Restrooms are available as needed, located by the entrance to the Field House in the West Fellowship Area. We do encourage you to utilize the restroom at home where possible to help limit the number of people using them at one time during worship.
6. OFFERING, ATTENDANCE, & PRAYER REQUESTS: Offerings will be collected in the available Offering Box as you enter worship (baskets will not be passed during the service).
Let us know when you attend worship by completing the Worship Attendance Connect Card available at SPLDECATUR.ORG. You can also submit your Prayer Request via this form or at SPLDECATUR.ORG
6. WHAT’S NOT AVAILABLE: To limit on-contact transmissions and follow current guidelines at this time we will not be offering the following: nursery or children’s learning time (children will remain with their parents,) education classes, coffee or donuts, bulletins or handouts of any kind. Please bring your own Bible. While we have some in person office coverage during the week, entry to the building is limited during the week. If you have a question or need an appointment, please contact the Church Office at 217-423-6955 or info@spldecatur.org
If you are at-risk* or if you are running a fever or not feeling well, we encourage you to stay home and continue to worship with us through our online worship experience. All services will still be broadcast at our regular worship times. If you have a question about this, please see “Taking Precautions” below.
Church, we are glad to have the opportunity to gather with you in person and welcome you once again! We appreciate your loving response and your patience in the process, and we will continue to keep you informed as things progress and change. Follow along with the latest information available at SPLDECATUR.ORG/INFO
If you have any questions, please contact the Church Office at 217-423-6955.
Blessings on you and your family!
Please be mindful of the guidance from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), including:
– Stay home when you are sick and follow ALL guidelines
– Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the bathroom; before eating; after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
– Use tissues and throw them away after use
– Keep a distance (at least 6 feet); no handshaking
– You should be fever free for at least 48 hours, without fever-reducing meds, before venturing out or being in contact with others