As the Son Rises…

An Easter Morning Prayer:

EasterSunriseRISENGracious God and Father, we gather at the dawn of this day in awe. We gather in anxious excitement. We have come to find only a stone rolled away, and have found that Jesus is not here – He is RISEN, just as He said!

As we greet sunrise on this early morning we are refreshed and reminded of Your great love and plan for us. Though dying, yet in Christ we live! Impress on our hearts the power of Your Son’s resurrection, that we might tell the world the hope we have in Him.

Father, I know how important this day is. Above all days, today is the celebration and culmination of everything Your Son has done for me. It all starts and it all ends with Jesus. Help me, Spirit, to capture the joy of this moment.

So often I lose sight of what happened this Easter morning, and in my sin I live as if it holds no meaning for who I am and where I’m going. I confess and give to you all my sins. I place them in Your Son’s grave – the only place they should be found. Let me be found missing from the grave, with Christ, and clothe me in His righteousness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hallelujah, He is RISEN! He is RISEN indeed, Hallelujah!

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