

Greetings! We are thankful for the opportunity to serve our community through the many wellness activities that are currently taking place in our SPL Field House. Thank you to all who have utilized it for your regular support and usage of this facility, including of the classes offered through Motivated by More and other activities.

Considering the continuous developments in the COVID-19 situation, we want to do our part in loving our neighbors by helping to limit person to person contact and encourage social distancing. Effective immediately, our Facilities Engagement Team is suspending all SPL Field House activities. This includes our Get Up & Get Moving times in the morning (Mon-Fri 6-9am, Sat 7-9am), the Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday classes offered by Motivated by More, and the Senior Walk & Talk times (M-W-F 11:30-1:30pm).

If you have any questions about these or other events scheduled in the SPL Field House, please feel free to contact our Church Office at 217-423-6955.

In the meantime, you can stay in touch with all of the latest updates regarding SPL and the COVID-19 situation by visiting

You can also follow along here and on the other St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (Decatur, IL) social media outlets.

Thank you for your patience and understanding in the process! Please continue to follow along with the recommendations of the CDC and Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and connect with them for the most current information.

#COVID_19 #Wellness #DecaturIL #SPLFieldHouse #SPLDecatur

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