
Streams of Living Water

Every morning when I drive in to St. Paul’s, 1 Bachrach Court, I like to park my car facing the East. I do this because the last image I wish to have placed before me is the fountain in our pond, shooting up toward the heavens. It’s easy to forget what a beautiful property we’re located on, especially as life gets busy and we find ourselves in our rhythms, heads down and minds focused.

But I love this picture. Because it takes me to the heart of God’s promise of life. The prophet Isaiah spoke of what things would be like when God would come back to redeem His people:

Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert. The burning sand will become a pool, the thirsty ground bubbling springs. -Isaiah 35:5-7

Isaiah uses the imagery of water to describe the life that God would create when He came back to save His people. Jesus said it this way:

“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” -John 7:38

That river of water that flows within us is God’s seal, placed on us in our baptisms. It’s the moment that God, through water and His Word, comes to us and says that nothing in all creation can snatch us from His hand. We’ve been rescued; brought from death to life through the death and life of Jesus. No matter how the day goes we have all the value and purpose in the world, because we belong to God.

When I pull into our church, I like to say a short prayer as I reflect on my baptism and the elegance of that fountain. Lord, thank You for my baptism. Thank You for calling me Your child. Help me to live in this baptism. Help me to work and serve You because of this baptism. Amen.

No matter how busy our lives get, don’t forget this: No matter how great or awful our day goes, our lives are already sealed forever in God’s Book of Life. Your sins are forgiven. Your identity is in Christ.

And with all the rain we’ve been getting, the promised reminder of God’s love for you in baptism most certainly abounds…

Enjoying the Journey,

Pastor Doug

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