Through the season of Advent, we learn to prepare for what is to come and we learn to wait with great expectation – just as people did for hundreds of years – for the coming of the Messiah.
What’s on your list this Christmas?
The innkeeper didn’t have to check his list twice to know that he had no room.
There was no room for Joseph or Mary
Nor was there room for the baby she carried.
Maybe Joseph would have gained his favor
Had he offered him silver, a room for the Savior
Or if Mary’s relatives’ bloodlines were royal
Or part of a priesthood to which she was loyal.
His ledger was full of princes and priests
Of rich men and lords in this world at least
He couldn’t be bothered to squeeze in the child
Nor Mary his mother, so meek and so mild.
What’s on your list this Christmas?
The silent night beckoned, but the Innkeeper turned
Away from the glory for he was concerned
That Mary and Joseph and that unborn boy
Could not secure him away from the crowd and the noise
Of people who laughed and were rosy and sunny
And paid the Innkeeper with lots of their money.
Would he have changed his mind has he been told
That Mary carried the Light from of old?
That Jesus was making a second appearance
This time as a human with temptation and fear and
A love that forgives and renews and inspires
And leads people on, no conditions required?
The Innkeeper’s list didn’t include Jesus.
What’s on your list this Christmas?
Things are no different today, the noise fills our minds
With headlines and deadlines and phone lines and long lines.
We keep filling our list with things we should do
But the things He has done has cleansed us. Renewed!
Mary carried her Son; He carried the cross
Won’t you carry me Jesus before I am lost?
Take me from here to where You are;
Let me follow Your guiding star.
Only one thing on my Christmas list
May sound odd, but I hope, I wish
For what the world deems stranger and stranger
To visit the King in a lowly manger.
What’s on your list this Christmas?